I was very surprised to hear this news.
Monday, September 19, 2011, afternoon, happen a violence between students with journalists, at the school. Reported five journalists and seven students were injured. The report also indicates that allegedly the students who was starting the dissension. The police immediately take action, check out some suspects.
Many people regretted the incident. Various idea from several figures want the culture of violence be removed from the school.
Is education in Indonesia has failed to establish the character of human dignity?
Various suggestions proposed as solutions. Starting from parents, community leaders, religious leaders, politicians, until the central government.
Starting from the provision of strict and severe sanctions for violent offenders, combining the schools that often brawl, replacing the principal who is considered not able to guide their students, until to add to the moral education on curriculum.
But of all these ideas, I see it only as a short term solution, as well as partial. I doubt that these ideas if implemented will successfully solve the problem of violence among these students.
Education will never walk alone, always associated with other aspects of human life. Take the example of economic factors. If economic are not going well, lack of education funding, how qualified education can be achieved. Another example is social concern. This aspect is very influence to the world of education. Indifference of society, especially those engaged in the entertainment world, resulting many violence action shown on tv , movies, and games. Even some cartoons aimed at children are still many contain violent content. The more often a child's access to information with violent content, the more familiar with violence. Their subconscious mind will record strongly that violence is an effective solution to solve the problems of life. Similarly, the law enforcement aspect. With the money game, people who clearly found guilty can be free. Criminal offenders are not afraid anymore to do evil.
In short, should be considered a best system to running the state policy, so that one aspect to another are not contradictory. Well, this is a homework for goverment and state leaders.
Student nowday too brave to take an action if they not satisfied with anything. Everyone need to play the role to make sure this thing never happen again.
Hormones, lack of parenting and a horrible education system = today. :).
So, sadly these things occur all across the globe. It is scary.
erk.. aku dulu pun macam tu jugak.. tapi setelah dewasa, aku sedar kok..dan aku mula berubah..
It scares me what happens in schools today...
Belly B
school became dangerous place by the time...
So bad to hear.
Hello! I agree with You!
very well said. i do believe it all starts at home and the way people are brought up.
Glass of Fashion
konklusinya janganlah mudah melenting. kalau ada perkara yang tak suka atau tak puas hati rujuk pihak tertentu dengan cara aman..
*ingatan buat diri ini juga ^^
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